Siete Leguas is produced at their two distilleries El Centenario and La Vencedora, each employing a different process to prepare the agave for distillation. Twenty-four months of loving, white oak gives this Jalisco goddess its golden color. While a rich and developed palate of slowly roasted agave, caramel, and high-toned fruits will have you longing for sun-drenched days without a care in the world. At one they use a tahona, a large millstone pulled by two mules which was the first method used to crush agave. At the other a molino, an old-fashioned roller mill, is used. The juices are combined and distilled twice in copper stills and filtered to remove all impurities. The añejo is then aged for 24 months in white oak barrels. Smooth sippin’ tequila at its finest, with a tariff that’ll make you look twice. One sip and you’ll be riding off into the sunset to join the revolución!
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